Digital Marketing

Our digital marketing services leverage the latest technology and tactics to reach as well as engage your target audience, and drive traffic to your website.

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Experts in Digital Marketing & Lead Generation

TeeGee Digital is a full-service digital marketing company that provides all aspects of digital marketing for our clients.




Digital Marketing Solutions

Email Marketing

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is an extremely cost-effective method of developing relationships with customers and turning them into recurring customers. We specialise in email marketing that is tightly integrated with the clients eCommerce solutions.

Google Analytics

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Google Analytics

We make use of Google’s Analytics platform to understand how your clients interact with your website. The first step is to ensure the proper configuration and optimization of your account to collect meaningful information that will provide you with actionable knowledge to gain a sustainable market advantage.

Paid Marketing

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Paid Marketing

Paid Marketing is a perfect channel to deliver targeted messaging to an active audience if you want to drive consistent and meaningful traffic to your site quickly. Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising provides a more cost-effective advertising approach regardless of the size of your organization or the industry in which you are.

Social Media Management

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Social Media

In order to build your audience to increase brand recognition and boost sales, Social Media Marketing is an integral part of any marketing strategy.

Paid Social Advertisement

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Paid Social

For most social media sites, paid social advertisement options exist and are becoming a significant force in online advertising due to their targeting capabilities. On behalf of our customers, we manage promotions via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.

Content Marketing

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Content Marketing

Content Marketing is perfect for building relevance, trust and authority. In search, social, email and paid traffic campaigns, your content contributes to your success, each piece of content acts like a stepping stone taking your customers closer to you.

What can I expect?

A strong digital marketing campaign will make more people take notice of your business and brand, generating more custom as a result. However, it can be difficult to know where to begin with so many digital marketing services to choose from to achieve your goals.

Your website can generate significant revenue, but without visibility and customer engagement it will struggle to fulfil its potential. An effective digital marketing campaign is essential for getting ahead of the competition and making more people aware of your brand, services and products and utilizing the right channels in the process. The right campaign will reach your target audience and be engaging and exciting to achieve results.

Tailored to your business, we take a strategic and user focused approach ensuring your digital marketing campaign is being executed to the right audience to deliver the results you need. Whether your business objectives are to increase the visibility of your website in search, to significantly increasing engagement through social media, new customer acquisition or your core focus is increasing lead generation, our team of specialists are here to help.

Integrated approach

Teegee Digital can create a digital and print marketing campaign that is tailored for your business. From SEO, PPC to social and email marketing campaigns we’ll help you generate the right traffic to your website that’s ready to buy or enquire.

Additionally, we can produce any manner of print materials containing your business’s information, from business cards and stationery to promotional flyers and direct mail.

Get social

Social media marketing is the perfect platform to reach your target audience. As an ever expanding part of the digital marketing mix, getting social across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter to name but a few is key to getting your brand out there.

We can help you create compelling, shareable content that will allow you to build an organic online following to build your brand by engaging with existing and new customers, whilst delivering a measurable ROI to match your objectives and KPIs.

Get in touch

We offer a unique approach to web design, SEO & Digital Marketing.

Our team are experts in every field of digital marketing so, you can have a stunning, professionally designed website that gets you sales & leads!

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your project with us, please use the form below and we will get back to you – usually within a couple of a hours.